

2024-04-02 06:45:02教案设计

Review 第1篇

  review  3teaching aims  : 1 knowledge aim:enable the ss to grasp the words and sentences: can speak english in their daily life..review the sentences and the words from unit 7 to unit 9ability aim:can use the sentences correctly.can talk about the dialogues freely in daily life.emotion aim:improve the ss’ abilities of communication and cooperation.teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards.main points:foster the ss’ asking and answering abilities.difficult points:can talk about the dialogues freely in daily life.review the sentences and the words from unit 7 to unit 9teaching steps :                                          step 1:warm-up/ review1.     sing and perform the songs: there are seven days./ follow me.2.     say the rhymes: days of the week./ draw a monkey.3.     review the words.(1) let’s mime: turn right. turn left. jump up and down. swim. run. play basketball. play football. play pingpong…(2) point t leaves, bamboo, shoots elephant panda tiger…(3) look and say: big, tall, short, fat, thin, happy, angry sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday and saturday… step2: presentation1. sing and perform the songs: there are seven days./ follow me.2. look and say.3. fill in the chart.4.     read and match.step 3 practicelook, think and say. divide the ss into four groups, make a match.step 4 activity after classmake a survey. to make other class’s schedule.introduce your good friend to your parents or classmates.make a words’ picture.

Review 第2篇

  课题:unit10 review and check总课时:4课时     本课时:第1课时












  1) free talk

  用what day is it today? what lessons do you have in the morning? what subject do you like ? how are you? what’s the matter with you ? 等日常交际用语进行交谈。

  2) sing a song: play the tape of the song learnt in unit6 and ask the students to sing the song together and then do a group work to sing the song and which group does a better job.

  3) ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the happy or unforgettable thing happened before and ask them to try to tell them out in english and then ask groups to come to the front and try to tell their stories and compete to see who does a better job.


  1) ask the students to read the words and phrases learnt in unit six together and then ask them to recite them by themselves and do a dictation of them to check to see if they have been well mastered.

  2) ask them to read the dialogues in part c and part d together and then ask them to do a pair work to practice the dialogues and help them to review the knowledge and make sure that they can master the knowledge well.

  3) ask them to read the dialogues in part a together and then ask them to do a group work to practice acting the whole dialogue and then ask groups to come to the front to present their dialogues and see who does a better job.

  3、look and write


  (1) 创设情景,复习祈使句,板书、领读重点句型,使学生熟练掌握。

  (2) 指导学生看图完成句子,要求熟练拼写四会单词以及认读三会单词。

  (3) 进行同桌或小组操练。

  答案:1. put, hands, head, turn           2. lie, lift up, legs

  3. touch, toes, fingers             4. bend, arms, touch, shoulders

  5. lie, back, lift, feet, hands        6. put, bend, knees


  4、do some exercises

  (    )1、how many cats can you see?          a. i’m ill.

  (    )2、whose is that new bike?              b. ling ling’s.

  (    )3、thank you very much.               c. six.

  (    )4、what time is it?                     d. i can see three.

  (    )5、what’s wrong with you?              e. that’s all right.

  (    )6、how old is she in the picture?          f. please don’t.

  (    )7、where are your parents?              g. she’s six.

  (    )8、let’s get some flowers.               h. at home.

  5、homework: do workbook exercises

  板书:                 unit10 review and check

  1) put   hands   head   turn

  2) lie   lift   up   legs

  3) touch   toes   fingers

  4) lie   back   lift   feet   hands

  课题:unit10 review and check总课时:4课时     本课时:第2课时【教学目标】











  1) free talk

  ask the students several questions about their daily life and the learnt knowledge before and ask the students to try to give the correct answers and check to see if they have been well master.

  2) play the tape of the learnt song in unit six and ask the students to sing the song together to arise their interest in learning english.

  3) ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the happy or unforgettable thing happened before and ask them to try to tell them out in english and then ask groups to come to the front and try to tell their stories and compete to see who does a better job.


  1) ask the students to read the words and phrases learnt in unit seven together and then ask them to recite them by themselves and do a dictation of them to check to see if they have been well mastered.

  2) ask them to read the dialogues in part c and part d together and then ask them to do a pair work to practice the dialogues and help them to review the knowledge and make sure that they can master the knowledge well.

  3) ask them to read the dialogues in part a together and then ask them to do a group work to practice acting the whole dialogue and then ask groups to come to the front to present their dialogues and see who does a better job.

  3、look, read and write

  图一到四主要复习what time is it? where are you from? how do/does…spend…weekends?等句型。图五到八主要复习一般现在时的一般疑问句及其答语。

  (1) 通过listen and repeat的游戏导入新课。教师分别读出a-h八个句子,让学生快速重复,只要学生听懂句子自主站起来复读即可。

  (2) 让学生根据图意选出对应的问句。

  (3) 让学生看图朗读句型,直至熟练掌握。

  (4) 组织学生同桌或小组操练,也可安排竞赛等游戏巩固句型。

  答案:b    d    c    a    g    e    f    h

  4、do some exercises:

  1) i can find my bike.(改为一般疑问句)

  __________ __________ find ___________ bike?

  2) wuhan is in hubei.(对画线部分提问)

  __________ ___________ wuhan?

  3) i can see lucy in the picture.(对画线部分提问)

  __________ ___________ you ____________ in the picture?

  4) the umbrellas are behind the door.(改为否定句)

  __________ ____________ ____________ behind the door.

  5、homework: do exercises presented.

  板书:                 unit10 review and check

  1) can you find your bike?

  2) where is wuhan?

  3) who can you see in the picture?

  4) the umbrellas aren’t behind the door.

  课题:unit10 review and check总课时:4课时     本课时:第3课时

  主备人:唐晓琴           授课人:唐晓琴     授课时间:XX年6月16日【教学目标】











  1) free talk

  ask the students several questions about their daily life and the learnt knowledge before and ask the students to try to give the correct answers and check to see if they have been well master.

  2) play the tape of the learnt song in unit six and ask the students to sing the song together to arise their interest in learning english.


  1) ask the students to read the words and phrases learnt in unit eight together and then ask them to recite them by themselves and do a dictation of them to check to see if they have been well mastered.

  2) ask them to read the dialogues in part c and part d together and then ask them to do a pair work to practice the dialogues and help them to review the knowledge and make sure that they can master the knowledge well.

  3) ask them to read the dialogues in part a together and then ask them to do a group work to practice acting the whole dialogue and then ask groups to come to the front to present their dialogues and see who does a better job.

  3、look, read and complete

  本部分提供了两个场景,要求学生根据图意分别补全对话和短文。第一组通过谈论“想做什么?”的话题复习do you want to…?及其答语。第二组通过介绍一位中国男孩li ming的故事复习unit6-9中出现的一些词汇和句型。

  (1) 组织学生看图泛读对话或短文,了解大意。

  (2) 多种方法帮助学生理解图文,在口头完成对话或短文后再填入所缺的单词。

  (3) 组织学生熟练朗读,然后分小组进行表演和复述。

  答案:1. insects, want, watch, cartoons, do, surf, internet, want, to, like, want, to, listen, to, music

  2. lives, likes, hands, draws, feet, pictures, butterflies, cicadas, grasshoppers, flowers

  4、do some exercises:


  1) ___________________ are you? i’m five.

  2) ___________________ is that woman in the car? she’s miss li.

  3) ___________________ students can you see? fourteen.

  4) ___________________ is it? it’s about ten.

  5) ___________________ books are they? they’re mine.

  6) ___________________ this blouse? it’s very nice. i like it very much.

  7) ___________________ is it? fourteen yuan.

  8) ___________________ is for me? the red one.

  5、homework: do exercises presented.

  板书:                 unit10 review and check

  1) how old          2) who         3) how many

  4) what time         5) whose       6) how about

  7) how much         8) which

  课题:unit10 review and check总课时:4课时     本课时:第4课时【教学目标】










  1、 warming-up

  1) ask the students several questions about their daily life and ask them to try to give the correct answers:

  what day is it today? it’s …

  what lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon? we have…

  what subject do you like? i like …

  do you have any hobbies? yes, i do. i like … he / she likes …, too.

  2) ask the students to do a group work to think for a while about the happy or unforgettable thing happened before and try to tell their stories in english and then ask groups to come to the front to try to tell their stories and see who does a better job to tell the better stories.

  2、 revision

  1) ask the students to read and spell the words in part b together and then give the chinese meanings of them and ask the students to try to speak out the correctly english versions and check to see if they have been well mastered.

  2)  ask them to read the dialogues in part c and part d together and then ask them to do a pair work to practice the dialogues and help them to review the knowledge and make sure that they can master the knowledge well.

  3) ask them to do a group work to read the whole dialogue in part a and try to act it out and compete to see who is the best actor or actress.

  3、 look and talk

  本部分提供了一组课外活动图片。通过这些图片,主要操练句型where’s he /she from? he’s / she’s from … where are they from? they’re from …


  china  chinese        uk  british         usa  american

  japan  japanese       australia  australian       france  french



  a. 学生看图,同桌相互问答。

  b. 小组抢答,要求回答正确,且不能重复。

  c. 学生看图,用一段话描述图上的内容。

  4、do some exercises:


  1) your(宾格)__________________  2) us(主格)______________

  3) let’s(完全形式)_______________  4) baby(复数)_______________

  5) oranges(单数)________________  6) plus(反义词)_______________

  7) look(近义词)________________  8) mister(缩写词)________________

  9) he(复数)___________________  10) joan(所有格)_________________

  5、homework: do more exercises presented

  板书:                 unit10 review and check

  1) you         2) we         3) let us         4) babies

  5) orange      6) minus       7) see          8) mr.

  9) they        10) joan’s

Review 第3篇


  a  look, match and say


  b  look, read and respond

  本部分要求学生在熟练运用所学语言的基础上,根据图片所提供的信息, 自行组织语言作出应答。教师应给学生以启发,拓展思维,说出不同的应答。在教师作出示范后,让学生小组活动,看哪个小组给出的答案多而且正确。教师可以巡视,也可以参与某一小组的讨论,检查学生对已学知识的掌握情况,并给有困难的学生提供帮助。然后让学生模仿各图片内容,创编新的对话。这时要特别给予那些学习有困难的学生发言机会,并及时给予指导,使他们通过复习,提高自己的能力。

  c  look, read and write



  d  do a survey

  本部分通过调查表格引导学生进行句型及日常用语的复习,建议教师先要对调查的做法及要求作出清晰的说明。再引导学生相互开展调查,完成调查表。在此过程中,教师可以巡视并引导学生正确使用日期的表达,为学习上有困难的学生提供帮助。然后各组汇报调查情况,并得出结论:多少学生在一月/ 二月/…过生日?哪个月本班学生过生日的人数最多?哪个月最少,等等。教师应收集这次调查结果,并制做成备忘录,以便在每个学生生日时为他们送上良好的祝愿,将英语学习与学生的生活实际结合起来。


  6a unit 4 review and check教学建议 来自雨枫文档网。

Review 第4篇

  unit 8 review and check


  1. review unit 1---unit 2.

  2.  do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.

  一般过去时的用法. (肯定句与一般疑问句)

  teaching preparation

  workbook.   recorder

  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 1

  1.football match  2.at jinling primary school   3.t next to me      4.in the corner

  5.at the goal    6.go over the goal           7.go out of the football field  

  8.in the same team    9.in the football field

  unit 2

  1.public sign   2.a lot of questions     3.different things       4.stay away from

  5.keep off     6.the sign on the bird’s cage  7.make noise        8.keep quiet    

  9.take a walk    10.a ten-yuan note     11.look around        12.a park keeper

  13.come up

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  1.      look, read and write.p59

  ____you go and watch dragon boat races at the ____ _____ _______?

  no, _____ _____. i ______ill.

  i’m sorry.

  2.  listen and choose.

  3.      listen and tick.

  step 5. homework

  1.      recite the phrases.

  2.      do exercises in workbook.p57,p58,p60

  unit 10  revision(复习2)


  1.  review unit 1---unit 4.

  2.  do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.

  一般过去时的用法. (肯定句与一般疑问句)

  teaching preparation


  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 3

  1.take about             2.come soon               3.on the 18th of october

  4.have a birthday party  5.as a birthday present     6.a vcd of japanese cartoons   7.take off              8.blow out

  unit 4

  1.sports day    2.running race      3.take some photos         4.look for

  5.a moment ago       6.just now               7.on the ground            

  8.a video recorder     9.a mobile phone         10.a pair of glasses          

  11.a cd walkman        12.a roll of film

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  1.      read ,think and write

  2.      look, read and circle.

  3.      read and answer.

  step 5. exercises in book.

  1.      look, match and say.

  2.      look, read and respond.

  last weekend,  at lunchtime,  this morning   a present from mum

  3.      look, read and complete.

  buy—bought     take---took

  step 6. homework

  1.      recite the phrases.

  2.      do exercises in workbook.p57,p58,p60

  unit 10  revision(复习3)


  1.  review unit 5---unit 6.

  2.  do some exercises.

  difficulties and emphasis.


  teaching preparation


  teaching procedure

  step 1. reading.

  read the texts.

  step 2. phrases.

  unit 6

  1.last week           2.the first day of school    3.after the holiday          

  4.in the school playground                      5.before classes           

  6.with my parents      7.a funny cartoon         8.visit a farm             

  9.with my family      10.on the farm          11.pull up carrots      12.milk cows

  13.collect eggs       14.fruit trees       15go to the farm       16.at the camp

  17a lot of food        18.a lot of games         19.go camping

  step 3. pronunciation

  step 4. exercises in workbook.

  规则:一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。时间状语:often, usually, always. every, sometimes等。有两种情况:第三人称单数,动词用三单;复数和i, you,动词用原形

  一般过去时:事情发生在过去。时间状语:just now, yesterday, last等。动词用过去式,

  现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作。now, look, listen. 句子结构:be+现在分词


  1.      今天早上,我打扫了我的卧室.    i _____my bedroom _____ _____.

  2.      上星期六我们拜访了我们的语文老师张老师.  _____saturday, we _____ our chinese teacher mr zhang.

  3.      高山的舅舅住在南京附近的一个小镇上.  gao shan’s uncle _____ in a small town near nanjing.

  4.      在周末,林涛经常去看望他的外公外婆.  lin tao _____ _____ his grandfather and grandmother _____ _____ _____.

  5.      你们在美食节做什么的?我和同学做了许多食品,我吃了很多东西.  what _____ _____ _____ at the food festival? i _____ many foods _____ my classmates and i ate _____ _____.

  6.      他们制作了许多漂亮的风筝,然后在操场上放飞.  they made many _____ kites and flew _____ on the playground.


  1.i often get up _______________(早上六点一刻)

  2.my father usually _______________(看电视) after supper.

  3.they often _______________(举办体育节) in september.

  4.liu tao often visits his grandparents _______________(在周末).

  5.yang ling’s uncle ______________(居住在) a small town near  nanjing.

  6.we _______________(制作了许多美丽的风筝) at the kite festival.

  7.      billy always eats a lot of food _______________(每天).

  8.      su hai , where is my diary? it was on my bed _______________(刚才)

  step 6. homework

  1.      recite the phrases.

  2.      do exercises


  a:do you have any s_____ festivals in your school?

  b:yes,we do . we had o_____ last month.

  a:w_____ was that?

  b:it was a f_____ f_____.

  a:w_____ was it?

  b:it was on the twenty-sixth of october.

  a:what did you do?

  b:i c_____five hamburgers and some c_____food.and i a_____ a lot.

  a:that was i_____.

Review 第5篇

  review 1teaching aims and demands: review the sentences and the words from unit 1 to unit 3.learn to sing: the music room.can use the sentences correctly.teaching materials: tape recorder ; some cards.teaching steps:                                           step one warm-up/ review1.     sing and perform the song: the music room.2.     review the words.(1) let’s mime: close, open, clean, turn on, turn off, play, sweep, go…(2) point t building, classroom, computer, fan, light…(3) look and say: grade, class, bright, clean, music, music room, computer room, library, on duty, hot ….(4) let’s count: thirteen , fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen ,nineteen, twenty,  thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred. step tw presentation1.guess a riddlelisten to the tape twice and guess  “what is it?”i have a big face.my face is black.teachers write on me.students look at me.2.learn to sing: it’s time to clean up.3.     read and match.step 3 practicelook, think and say.step 4 activity after classmake a survey.

Review 第6篇





















  六、 教具准备:

  课件 实物 图片  录音机  磁带 等


  step 1. greetings

  1. t: good morning , boys and girls.

  s: good morning.

  t: how are you?

  s: fine. thank you. and you?

  t: i’m fine, too. thank you.

  2.sing a song 《how are you? 》

  step 2.revision


  1)t:read their names.

  s:liu tao ,wang bing ……

  2) sing a song 《hi, nancy!》

  3)(课件显示nancy’s family)t:look,this is nancy’s family.

  the man is nancy’s     

  s: father .

  t: we can say :

  s: mr black .

  read : father   mr black

  the same way : mother  mrs black

  brother  david  black

  sister    nancy   black

  4) act 扮演david或nancy介绍自己和自己的家人 :

  good morning , .

  i’m  .

  this  is  my …

  nice to meet you . nice to meet you ,too.

  5) sing a song 《hello! 》

  6) (课件显示helen’s family)介绍helen’s family .  

  mr brown         mrs brown

  2.教师去掉mr brown ,mr black , mr green前的mr,并把b和g大写换成小写.

  t:what’s  this ?

  s: black  brown  green

  t: what do they mean ?

  s: 黑色 棕色   绿色

  t:they’re colours . anything else ?

  s: red  white    …

  read colours .

  3. 1)t: listen to me :an orange orange

  what does it mean ?

  s: 一个橙色的桔子

  讲解两个orange 的意思.

  2)t:  an orange  一个桔子,还有哪些水果?

  s:  an  apple  , a banana …

  3) t: look and say : 一个红苹果   一根黄香蕉   一个橙色的菠萝

  一个黄梨子   一个绿西瓜   一个黄芒果

  4) say a rhyme 《they are all very good 》

  4.1)t: this is  a  monkey .we can say :

  s: nice to meet you ,mr monkey.

  t: mr monkey says : i’d like some           .

  s: peaches

  the  same  way : elephant ---  bananas


  3)say a  chant .

  4)说一说短语:eg : a  brown  elephant …

  5.用this  is …介绍水果和动物.

  step 3.drill


  1. 听和选择:

  this is mike’s family .the man is mike’s father , mr brown .he likes bananas. the woman is mike’s mother , mrs brown . she likes apples and watermelons . this girl is mike’s sister, helen . she likes oranges and peaches . mike likes pineapples . they are a happy family .

  mr brown (             )         mrs brown (             ) 

  helen (                )         mike (                  )

  a. apples     b. oranges       c. bananas        d. pears

  e. peaches    f.mangoes        g. watermelons    h. pineapples


  a             b            c            d

  (  )1.  a peach        a banana      hello        a pear

  (  )2.  a monkey      a sofa         a bed       a table

  (  )3.  a rubber       a ruler        a pen       miss liu

  (  )4.  miss li        brown         red         blue

  (  )5.  blue          an orange     an apple     a mango

  (  )6.  a panda        a zebra       a tiger       white


  ⅰ                     ⅱ

  (  )1.what colour is it?        a.all right.

  (  )2.nice to meet you.        b.not bad,thank you.

  (  )3.go to school.            c.see you.

  (  )4.good night.             d.i’m yang ling.

  (  )5.how are you?           e.good afternoon.

  (  )6.see you.                f.no.

  (  )7.what’s your name?      g.hello,liu tao.

  (  )8.hello,david.            h.nice to meet you ,too.

  (  )9.an elephant?            i.good night.

  (  )10.good afternoon.        j.red.

  4. 选择适合的汉语意思。

  (  )1、this is my mother .                  a.一只黑白相间的斑马

  (  )2、not bad , thank you .                b. 早上好!

  (  )3、a black and white zebra              c. 这是我的妈妈。

  (  )4、good morning .                     d.不错,谢谢你

  (  )5、nice to meet you , too.              e.见到你也很高兴。


  step 4.summary


  step 5.homework

  1. 复习unit 1 - unit 3 .

  2. 向家人用this is….句型介绍书中人物、水果和动物。

  3. 完成中的unit 6 a,b 两个部分.

Review 第7篇

  3b  unit12  review


  1. 知识与技能:




  2. 过程与方法:






  1. 教学重点:理解、感知、体验故事;在故事的学习中,复习前面所学内容。

  2. 教学难点:物主代词our 发音与词义的理解。

  三、教学用具:ppt,头饰,录音机、flash 课件。


  step1: warm-up

  1. greetings:

  t: how are you today?

  ss: i’m fine.

  t: what’s the weather like?

  ss: it’s sunny.

  t: yes, it’s a sunny day. let’s go to macdonald’s farm.

  2. sing a song: old macdonald has a farm

  3. free talk:

  t: macdonald’s farm is very beautiful. let’s go to the farm. but his farm is far from our school. how do we go there?

  we can go there by bike. what else?

  s: we can go there by bus. ( by bus, by train, by car…)

  step2: presentation

  1. lead in

  t: look! it’s really a good day. our friends go outing, too. ken invites them to his house to have a dinner. now, i have a question: how do they go there? (first, guess it.)

  2. 第一遍听读:找问题的答案。

  ss: they go to ken’s house by train.

  3. 讲读:


  t: before getting on the train, what do they do? now look at the picture.

  where: ticket office

  what is bobby doing? bobby is selling the tickets. 引入学习ticket.

  bobby is selling the tickets. he is the seller.

  what is danny doing? danny is buying the tickets. he is the buyer.

  how many tickets does he buy?

  how do they sell and buy the tickets? now, who wants to be bobby/danny?



  let’s listen to the story carefully, what do they say in the story?


  now they are in the train station.

  what can they see in the train station?

  what color is their train?

  is this their train? 复习一般疑问句及回答。


  where are they? they’re in the train.

  what does mocky see?

  how are the cows?


  there is something wrong with mocky. now guess what is the matter with mocky?

  复习句型:his ear hurts. his eye hurts.

  how is mocky now?

  he is better.


  now the train is still going. at last it arrives at ken’s house. at that time, they are hungry. ken prepares so many delicious food and drink for them. what do they like?

  model: mocky likes bananas. it is very fresh.



  step3: practice

  1. follow the tape to read the story.

  2. read by oneself.

  3. act out the story.

  4. do the exercise

  5. retell the story.


  ticket office    seller      buyer

  train station:     red train

  train:         cows (big)      his eye hurts.    he is better.

  ken’s house:    mocky likes bananas. they are very fresh.




  1. 本节课是课文教学,但是同时也是复习课型。在课文教学的基础上,本课尽可能多地结合了以往所学知识,有针对性地充分地复习了重点句型以及重点单词。

  2. 由于本课是前几个单元知识的总结,并没有什么新知识,在结尾我扩展了这个故事,目的是使故事更完整,并且在扩展阶段复习了mocky likes bananas. they are very fresh. 这两个句型,复习了描述食物特征的重点单词以及重点句型。

  3. 本节课作为课文教学抓住了课文的主要线索,即地点的变化,在讲述过程中使课文思路更为清晰,更容易理解。板书的设计正是遵循了地点的变化,用图片这种更为生动的方式显示地点的变化。

  4. 本节课的不足是我还应该提高驾驭课堂的能力,在课堂上更为生动活泼,语调生动一些,让学生感受到故事的趣味性,在这一点上还应该加强。



  1、 情景创设连贯,完整,故事性比较强。本节课中教师创新性的为本篇故事创设了主人公去ken家做客,自然引出主人公怎么去,同时拓展了句型i go there by…之后创设情景引出乘坐交通工具要买票,怎么买票。火车上发生了什么?最后拓展到达ken家之后,ken为朋友们准备了丰盛的食物,猜一猜朋友们喜欢吃什么。每一个情景的创设都能够激发学生去思维,让学生有的说,能够充分的说,创新的说。不断给学生搭建手脚架,学生就可以更容易一步一步往上爬。

  2、 有明显的故事主线,故事思路清晰,主次分明。整堂课中教师把故事发生的场景划分为ticket office, at the train station 和in the train. 在不同的场景中充分发散学生的思维,使学生置身于故事场景中,并且主次分明,体现了复习课的特点。

  3、 激发学生朗读兴趣,培养英语朗读能力和语感。本课中教师引导学生通过模仿cow, mocky, danny, lulu等不同角色的语言,让学生把自己溶入到角色当中去朗读和表演,让他们从模仿中体验学习英语乐趣,在朗读练习中培养朗读的能力和语感。

  4、  以故事为载体,以语言的运用为目标。在本节课中教师尝试通过板书的设计和match the picture,两个途径有意识的领学生复述故事,初步尝试和培养学生讲故事的能力。复述故事是讲故事的一种形式,也是语言运用的一种方式。学生在对故事内容理解之后,学生就在老师的板书的提示下和老师一起复述故事,初步进行尝试,同时也是对故事内容的梳理。

Review 第8篇


  1. the words:

  always, question, ask, mean, must, should, shouldn’t, pick, present, cousin, park, public, sign, danger, grass, cage, smoke, litter, note, keeper, point, candle, doorbell, first, second, third, march, july, june, camera, roll, film, ground, diary, quiet, fire

  2. the phrases

  make noise, be quiet, take a walk, look around, point to, a ten-yuan note, a moment ago, just now, mobile phone, pick up, running race, a roll of film, sports day,

  blow out, a vcd of japanese cartoons

  3. the sentences:

  what does it mean?

  it means you/ we must/ shouldn’t……

  what date is it today?

  it’s the 16th of october.

  my birthday is coming soon.

  would you like to come to my birthday party?

  would you like a vcd of japanese cartoons?

  let’s wait and see.

  happy birthday to you!

  it is sports day.

  can i have them ,please?

  can you pick them up for me ,please?

  when’s your birthday?

  what would you like as a birthday present?

  where’s my/ your…..?

  it’s on/ in/ near/ behind/under……

  it was there just now.

  where are my/ your…..?

  they’re on/ in near/ under….

  they were there just now.


  1. read , write and recite the words.

  2. read , write and recite the sentences.

  3. read , write and recite the text.

  4. do some exercises.




  step1: read the texts.

  step2: review the words and sentences.

  step3: complete the exercises of unit 4.

  step4: do the exercises of exercise- books.

  step5: homework.

  dictate the words of unit 1-4.

  read the texts of unit 1-4.

  prepare for unit 5.





  1. be动词陈述句改一般疑问句,情态动词改一般疑问句










Review 第9篇

  unit10 review and check  

  教材类型:牛津版    所属学科:英语>>5b(五下)   


  一 教学内容

  《牛津小学英语》5b第十单元 review and check

  二 教学目标

  1.复习从unit 1到unit 9的重要句型以及相关的单词和词组。


  三 教学重点

  1.复习unit 7 的重要句型:

  (1)what time is it ? it’s … it’s time for …

  (2)what time do you get up ? i get up at …

  2. 复习unit 8 的重要句型:

  (1)how do you spend your weekends? i often …

  (2)how does …spend his/her weekends? he/she often …sometimes he/she …

  四 教学难点



  五 课前准备


  2.板书准备:预先写好课题 unit 10 review and check

  六 教学过程

  a  free talk

  t:what day is it today ?

  s:it is wednesday .

  t:what’s the weather like today ?

  s:it’s sunny today .

  t:who has a watch ? please tell us:what’s the time now ?

  s:i have . and it’s half past eight .

  t:yes, and this is the first lesson in the morning. tell me :how many lessons do you have in the morning ? and what are they ?

  s:we have three lessons in the morning .they are english,chinese and maths .

  t:what lesson are we having now ?

  s:we are having an english lesson .

  b  presentation and practice .


  t:do you like english ?

  s:yes, i do.

  t:please make a introduction of yourself :who are you ?

  s:my name is linda. i’m from china. i speak chinese and english .my hobbies are watching tv and listening to music . my favourite subject is english . there are three people in my family :my father, my mother and me .i like my family . at the weekends, we often go shopping. sometimes we watch tv.

  s:i’m maisie…….

  c  read and say


  my name is david . i’m twelve years old . i am a student in a primary school . i often do my homework on friday evening . on saturday morning , i go to see my grandparents . i help them do some housework . in the evening i go home . sometimes i watch tv or surf the internet . i can learn a lot from the internet .

  on sunday morning , i often go to the park with my friends—liu tao , yang ling and helen . liu tao likes playing on the swings . yang ling and helen like playing on the slides . helen and i like taking photos . then we catch insects and put them in bottles . we always have a good time .


  1. how old is david ?

  2. how does david spend his friday evening ?

  3. what does david do on saturday morning ?

  4. how does david spend his sunday morning ?

  5. what does liu tao like ?

  6. what do yang ling and helen like ?

  7. what does david like ?


  t:how old is david ?

  s:he is twelve years old .

  t:how does david spend his friday evening ?

  s:he often does his homework..

  d  read and write


  i’m wang bing . i get up at a quarter to seven in the morning . i have breakfast at seven . i go to school at a quarter past seven . i have lunch at half past eleven . i go home at a quarter to five . in the evening , i have dinner at twenty past six . i do my homework at half past seven . i watch tv at eight o’clock . i go to bed at ten to nine .


  now write about yourself .

  in  the  morning , i  ________________________at ____________________.

  i _____________________________    at ______________________________.

  i ________________________________    at ___________________________.

  in  the  evening , i __________________________ at ___________________.

  i ________________________________    at ___________________________.

  i _________________________________   at __________________________.

  i _________________________________    at __________________________.

  e  assign homework

  1.背诵unit 1和unit 2的词组。


  七 板书设计                           

  unit 10 review and check

  what time is it now ?                       it’s …  it’s time for…

  what time do you get up ?                   i get up at …

  how do you spend your weekends?            i often …

  how does …spend his/her weekends?          he/she often …sometimes he/she

Review 第10篇

  lesson one: review  unit 1—2

  teaching aims :

  1.review the words of unit 1~2.

  2.enable the ss to understand and use the communicative words .

  3.review the sentence structures of unit1~2.

  4.raise the ss’interest to learn english.

  teaching contents :

  unit 1—2 , unit6 part b

  teaching main points and difficult points:

  1.  review the words of  unit 1~2.

  2.  review the sentence structures of unit 1~2.

  3.  raise the ss’interest to learn english.

  teaching preparings:

  tape recorder, tape, pictures, colour pens/pencils , papers, slide (power point)

  teaching procedures :

  step 1 warm up

  (课前flash 歌曲欣赏hokey pokey)

  1.sing a song (hello! how are you?)


  3.free talk: hello./hi./good morning./what’s your name?/i’m.../this is…/nice to meet you. nice to meet you, too. (talk in pairs or groups.)

  step2 present

  show the picture of the title. then show a flash of “the abc song”.

  1) show a picture of nancy. elicit out the song “hi, nancy!”

  t: who is she , do you know?  ss say out her name. then introduce her brother, david.

  2) introduce nancy’s parents: her father( mr. black) and her mother( mrs. black) (show the picture of them.)

  3) a. show the pictures of nancy’ s friends:

  ( first, talk about the picture. then ask several students to act the dialogue out.) (学生事先佩带好人物头饰)

  1.mike, helen and wang bing.  2.gao shan , david and nancy.

  b. show the pictures of nancy’ s teachers: mr. green and miss li.

  ask ss to talk about the picture, then act the dialogue out. (佩带人物头饰)

  c. practise communicative sentences:(教师给出情境:nancy 父母与nancy老师和同学朋友们都是初次见面,请同学想想他们见会说些什么?)(幻灯片红字展示:日常交际用语的句型:hello/hi/good afternoon. this is …/nice to meet you. nice to meet you , too. 学生根据这些句子进行结合情境的交流)

  d. introduce their animal friends, mimi and bobby.

  step3 review the colours

  a.show a colour bull wheel, ask the ss some questions.

  1)how many colours can  you see? 2)what colours are they?

  b. do a game: guess what the colour is? (turning the wheel )

  c.(t: it’s raining outside ,so we have to use the umbrella.)(point out that “umbrella” is a new word, teach it and ask the ss to pay attention to the article “an”) then, ask the ss to guess the colour of the umbrella and draw it on the

  paper.( 黑板上展示学生作品)

  show the colour umbrella to the ss.

  step4 class work


  (show the picture of unit 6 partb ,a room)使房间变的五光十色。(ask ss to talk about the picture, then do the exercise “listen and number”)看看他们是否还记得这些东西的英语说法。进行随堂练习。

  step5 review the fruits

  1)ask the ss to guess a riddle:( key: apple)

  2) do a game: touch and guess (教师事先准备好一些水果用布遮住,然后让学生用手摸水果,然后用英语说出其名称。在学生说后,教师幻灯片展示,复习水果。)

  3)say a rhyme: they are all very good.(with music)

  step6 assign homework


  homework: 1.review unit 3~5.

  2.listen to the tape and try to finish the remaining exercises of unit 6.

  ends :show the goodbye slide. sing a song “goodbye!”


  unit6 review and check

  lesson 1

  贴     图

  teaching recollect:




Review 第11篇

  unit 4 review

  课    题 unit 4 review lesson 3  授课类型 revision

  能力方法目标 to develop the students’ four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  知识技能目标 to make the students express their opinions in different ways.

  情感态度价值目标 to help the students with creative thinking.

  教学重点 wide; stout; enemy; etc.

  教学难点 the grammar: the clause

  教学方法 learning by doing 媒体使用 tape, computer

  教  学  流  程  设  计

  教学活动设计 设计意图


  go over the words from unit 1 to unit 4. for example, how do you spell “e-pal”? what does “classmate” mean?

  revise the dialogue in lesson 1. for example:

  a: hello, laura. is tomorrow your birthday?

  b: yes, it is. but i am worried now.

  a: why?

  b: i don’t know what i need to prepare for the party.

  a: i’ll help you prepare the party. let’s make a list of what we need.

  b: oh, thank you. …


  this project asks the students to do a survey about how they use e-mails or what they plan to do. first, they should mark their own answers and then make up questions for the survey. each person will give his or her partner the survey question. after the students have asked each other the questions, they should summarize what they found.

  activity a

  read and mark the answer.

  t: first read the lists and mark your answers. you need to choose at least one in each column. but you can check as many answers as you feel are correct for you.

  activity b

  students should work in pairs and make their own survey questions.

  t: work in pairs. first, decide on one topic that you and your partner will develop as a survey topic. make up follow-up questions.

  sample survey questions

  1. do you read e-mails every day?

  how often do you read your e-mails?

  do you write e-mails every week?

  how often do you write e-mails?

  do you receive e-mails from your e-pals?

  how often do you receive e-mails from your e-pal?

  2. are you going to read many books?

  how many hours a day are you going to read?

  are you going to keep a diary?

  how often are you going to write your diary?

  activity c

  it is time for the students to conduct their survey. each student should ask his or her question to at least ten people in the class. the more, the better.

  t: go around the class and ask your classmates your survey questions. make sure you keep a record of what others say.

  suggested survey format

  names yes □ no □


  often?   what to

  do what 

  names yes □ no □

  what kind?   going to

  do what 

  activity d

  tell the class about your classmates. use these sentences.

  t: working with your partner, please summarize the result of the survey.

  model writing

  i talked to 20 classmates. most of them read their e-mail every day. a number of them read their e-mail every second day. some of them read their e-mail at a regular time each week. a few of them do not yet have and e-mail address.

  revise some questions we have learnt before.

  work with a classmate. complete the questions with the students’ own ideas on page 30.

  tell the class about the students’ classmates. use the sentences.


  应对措施 几个问句的学习与应用只讲会很快结束本课。可以鼓励学生间练习所学句型,然后,联系前几个单元所学知识进行练习。如果能变成对话就跟好了。

  如本课很容易完成,也可把lesson 4讲完,省出时间来做习题准备期中考试。

  作    业 ask and answer questions on page 30.

  板书设计 unit 4 review lesson 3

  - do you have …?    - yes, i do. how often do you …?

  - no, i don’t. do you want to …?

  - are you going to …?  - yes, i am. how many hours are you going to …?

  - no, i’m not. i am going to …?


Review 第12篇


  《牛津小学英语》4a第五单元第三课时(part a look read and write)



  2、复习句型:where’s your …? is this/that your …? do you like…? 并能在不同的情境中灵活运用。

  3、学习句型:i like that one. 懂得该句型运用的恰当场合。




  2、句型:where’s your …? is this/that your …? do you like…?




  where’s your …? is this/that your …? do you like…?







  step one: warming up

  1. warming exercise. (热身活动)—— listen and do.

  t: first let’s listen and do. i say, you do. listen! stand up, clap your hands, stamp your feet. show me your pencils. show me your rulers. … show me your rubbers. wonderful! sit down, please.


  2. free talk. (自由谈话)

  t: hello, what’s your name?

  p1: my name is …

  t: nice to meet you.

  p1: nice to meet you, too.

  t: hi, what’s this in english?

  p2: it’s a pencils case.

  t: may i have your pencil case?

  p2: sure. here you are.

  t: thank you.

  t: hello, boy. where’s your pencil case?

  p3: it’s on the desk.

  t: where’s your ruler?

  p3: it’s in the pencil case.

  step two: revision

  1. revision and practice.(复习操练)

  t: children, follow me, please. where’s your rubber?

  (呈现第一个句型词条“where’s your …?”并板书。将一些文具放在词卡上作替换练习。)

  t: look, this is my book. i put it here. (师将书放在讲台上)where’s my book?

  p4: it’s on the table.

  t: yes, you’re right. and where’s your book?

  p4: it’s on the desk.

  t: excellent. now children, please work in pairs. (学生两两互问互答,能够增加操练的广度和深度。学生自己两两问答后, 三组学生展示。)

  p5: where’s your pencil?

  p6: it’s in my pencil box.

  t: excuse me , is this your pencil box?

  p6: yes, it is.

  t: can i have a look?

  p6: sure. here you are.

  在学生展示过程中,教师通过句型“is this your …? can i have a look?”从学生那儿借一些有特色的文具。为下面的教学活动做好准备。

  2. games

  game 1: touch and guess.

  t: look, i have a red bag here. i put them(向学生展示刚才从学生那儿借来的文具)in the bag. now let’s play a game. touch and guess. you, please.

  t: what’s this ?

  p7: it’s a rubber.(学生边摸边回答)

  t: yes?(要求学生将触摸到的文具拿出来给大家看)

  p: yes.

  t: is this your rubber?

  p7: no, it isn’t.(师引导学生)perhaps it’s tom’s.(该生拿着文具去问)tom, is this your rubber?

  p8: yes, it is.

  p7: here you are.

  p8: thank you.

  请不同的学生上来触摸的同时,要求下面的小组或个别学生模仿老师问他is this your…? 从而操练该句型。

  game 2: throw a magic box.

  t: look, the red bag is empty now, but i have yellow bag here. what’s in the bag? guess, please. perhaps it’s a book.

  p9: perhaps it’s a storybook.


  t: children, do you want to have a look?

  ps: yes.

  t: you may ask me “miss…, can i …?”

  ps: miss…, can i have a look?

  t: sure.(通过师生间对话,复习三会句型“can i have a look?”)

  ps: miss…, can i have a look?

  t: sure. let me take it out. what is it?

  ps: it’s a box.

  t: it’s a magic box. what are these? let’s have a look. (引导学生边看边说玩具类单词。然后师做示范扔盒子,看哪一面的图在上面,根据该上面的图,用句型do you like …? 来询问,学生互相传扔盒子,问该句型。从而达到复习、巩固和运用的目的。最后盒子传到老师手上。)

  t: let me have a try.(教师转动盒子到有故事书图片的那一面)

  ps: do yo
